Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Confession Tuesday #2

Confession Tuesday

By: Kun Hee Yeo

1. “Confession Tuesday” is my least favorite writing of the five writing challenges. But since this is a new way of writing the “Confession Tuesday” I might like it.

2. I never go to any of the dance parties. I don’t know why, but I never go to one. They just don’t seem fun.

3. I never had a Birthday Party in my life. My parents give me an option of giving me a present or planning a birthday party- So I have to choose one option. I choose the present option.

4. Even though my nationality is Korean, I only lived there for two years.

5. I never had a girlfriend. I know. That is SAD :(

6. My Skype username is “Koreandude9”. Is it really THAT bad??

7. In Panama, I’ve been called “Chino” so many times that I got used to it. -_- HOWEVER, I AM NEITHER CHINESE NOR JAPANESE. I AM KOREAN

8. I have done illegal acts, including trying to smoke (Never make bad friends. They give you bad influence)

9. Mrs. Meadows calls me Bruce Lee… I don’t really know who he is, but she even taped a picture of him on my Writer’s notebook -_-

10. I am scared of spiders, centipedes and cockroaches

11. I used to be the tallest in the grade from my previous school. The record broke when I came to Panama (Nicholas BS -_-)

12. I wear a sweater scarf :D

13. I used to hate moving schools. I used to cry when I left my best friends. Now, I am totally used to moving and never cried or felt grief leaving my friends. (You will really get used to moving if you have lived in seven countries and attended 5 schools)

14. After writing the Confession Tuesday in this way, I decided that Confession Tuesday is my favorite type of writing out of the five writing challenges.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Poetry Friday

I Wear Sweater Scarf

By Kun Hee Yeo

Because I’m unique

And it looks cool.

It’s annoying

to wear the sweater itself.

Too annoying

Wearing it, on, off, on, off

Every day, the routine rotates.

Hanging the sweater around my back

Rolling the sleeves around me

Like a scarf

My friends ask me if I’m gay

And I don’t care

Because I’m not.

But last week,

In my English class, my teacher

Mrs. Meadows, questioned me why

I wore my Sweater-Scarf

My mouth mumbled

Because even I wasn’t sure

Why I put on my sweater-scarf

Since then,

My friend,


TRIED emulating me



As if,

The copy

Can never become

the original.

As if,

The counterfeit money

Can never become

The genuine one.

So I continued

Wearing my


Continued the routine

Again and again


I’m unique

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Worldy Wise Wednesday

The murder from the perspective of the police

The chilly night breeze woke me up around three A.M. I carried my dehydrated body towards the water fountain. The other two officers were still in their bunks fast asleep.

“We have a suspected burglary situation around 42 Westwood Road. Quickly, we must get there before any trouble occurs!” The voice was derived from our police boss. I forced my lazy body to get up from the chair and wake up the other police officers. We made an inventory of police jackets and guns just in case there was really a burglar of a murderer. It was a freezing night with the chilly wind penetrating our jackets and giving us shivers. Darkness strode all over the stables. The horses cried out as the light from our lanterns stroke them. I climbed on to the saddle and hold on tight to the reins. The next moment, we were racing fiercely through the darkness.

We knocked on the front door and a man answered gingerly.

“Hello, sir. There was a report about a suspected burglary situation here. We need you to corroborate the case,” I said. The man let us in with unexpected kindness. He looked totally confident and it seemed that there was no way that there could be any problems. We entered the creepy house with our lanterns. The house was cold and it was very dark inside. I surmised that there could’ve been a burglary situation in a house creepy like this. There were a few antique furnitures that were clad with sheets and abrasive carpets covered the floor. But other than that, there were nothing suspicious. Also, the man succumbed full cooperation and he looked completely comfortable. Therefore, we made a cursory search. The man showed us the treasures that were safe and untouched. He had told us that the old man was absent in the country. I told my other officer that there is nothing to worry about. Asking a few questions to the old man, his voice grew quicker and more vehement. His face grew pale. Suddenly, the man grimaced and shouted,

“Villains! Dissemble no more! I admit the dead! Tear up the planks! Here! Here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!” He yelled as he scurried toward the planked floor. He ripped apart the planks with a hammer and there it was, the gruesome dead body that lay inside.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Confession Tuesday


I was living in Argentina and I was at my friend’s house with 4 friends with me. They were complete idiots who always get C or lower in their report cards but they were still my friends. This story took place in October in 2009. We were all 13 somehow my friends knew and were addicted to smoking. Argentina was one of the easiest places to buy illegal stuff. A pack of smoke was one of the easiest things to get since you just had to pay double and get the pack from a kiosk.

My friends already had a pack of cigars. They went outside the garden and they started smoking. I didn’t care if they smoked or not. It was their life they were ruining. Not mine. Theirs. So I just sat at the chair and relaxed. Until one of my friends asked

“Yo, Kun Hee, try some of these”

“Nahh dude, I’m not gonna start smoking. I don’t even plan to smoke,” I told them. But they kept on begging just to try and finally it got to the point where I had to take a sip of smoke. But that was the greatest mistake I made. Not that I was addicted and still smoke right now, but it was the opposite. My throat hurt like hell and I coughed for the whole rest of the day. Since then I never smoked or even touched hands on a pack of cigarettes. The painful memory the smoke gave me taught me a lesson. Never listen to a messed up friend.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Memoir Monday

Because I’m older than you

By: Kun Hee Yeo

My sister, Yerim always got the priority for almost everything. For example, when I was around eight years old, she got the new CD player for herself. I would always complain to my mom, and all she could say is,

“Because she’s older than you.” The worst part was that I never got new things. I would always receive the things my sister used to use. Like her cell phone or her old chair etc.

I was about 12 years old when I realized the Korean cultural rule of giving the priority to the elders. Even if the age difference is only one or two, we had to respect the elders. In Korean high school, you can get beaten up by an elder because you didn’t respect him/her and it would be your mistake of not treating the elders properly.

So these days, even though I get treated unfairly by my sister because of age difference, every day she says,

“Because I’m older than you,” I say,

“Whatever, sis” and walk away.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This year I hope to be...

This Year I hope to be…

Kun Hee Yeo

Cruel words that come back and forth. I wish I could treat you as

My friend.

But you know everything about me. An invisible barrier that I want to break

However, I cannot

I enter your room, you boot me out. You enter my room, I boot

You out.

How did our relationship become like this? This year, I hope to be a better brother

For you.

You deleted all my songs from iTunes. I hid your 9 page essay

In return.

Revenges that come back and forth. Our relationship

Never heal.

You always stole my belongings and broke them. But all you would say is


We never apologized to each other. We never brought out the word


Why are we so cold to each other? We are meant to be families. Families that

Care for each other.

Our personalities nor styles never matched. But this year,

I hope to be a better brother for you.