Thursday, December 30, 2010

Travel Journal...Day 13

I love basketball. And today, I practiced basketball with a special guest. I practiced basketball with Diego from my grade. I need to practice because I want to be the starting 5 in Sub-16 next year. I beat Diego 51-39. It's funny how Diego is always saying "I'm black so I will beat ya badly!". But at the end, Diego always gets tired and I beat him. So I say back to him, "Funny how I have better stamina than you and you're black." Diego cried and left.

PS. The last sentence is not true actually. Or is it?

Travel Journal...Day 10

Finally, Christmas. Since my family does not celebrate Christmas, I went to church. It was great there. I saw the new Korean guy who will be attending our school in January. I saw a lot of Korean people in the church. That night, I went to a BBQ party. The BBQ party was also good. We played Monopoly, but at the end nobody won because it got so boring. Fail. It was fun just hanging around with the people I know. Great Christmas. I didn't take any pictures, sadly.

Travel Journal...Day 4

My dad and I hanging around the hotel hammock

After having a great time in the Las Olas resort, we started heading back to Panama City. We couldn't reach Panama City by the end of the day so we stayed at a hotel in Coronado beach. The hotel had a private beach exclusive for the people staying at the hotel. Even though we couldn't really enjoy it since we could only stay there for a day, the beach was great. Then we finally came back home at around 6 P.M. Our trip to Chiriqui ended.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Travel Journal...Day 3

In front of the beach. By the way, that's me.

My dad finally decides to drive back to David, the capital city of the Chiriqui Province. I am glad to get of Boquete. After struggling a bit with the roads, we finally make it back to David, where we eat lunch. My dad decides to rest in the beach. So we drive south towards the pacific ocean, and we find a decent hotel with the beach right next to it. We have a good time there. The waves and the winds blew away all of my worries. It was great there.

Travel Journal...Day 2

A Coffee Factory in Boquete, a small town in the province Chiriqui

The long tedious ride from the Panama City to Boquete was horrible. Covering hundreds of miles by a rented 4x4 Toyota, We finally reached Boquete at around 8 P.M. Dinner at an old restaurant was horrible as well. I didn't get the reason people visit here so much. There is nothing to do here. Maybe it's because of the Coffee Factory above, but I'm not interested in Coffees.The hotel was also not very satisfying. the bedsheets weren't washed and there were bugs everywhere...

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Surprise in the Subway Station

I was walking down the subway station with my usual, bright disposition. There were homeless men, clad with sheets of blankets, cardboard boxes, newspapers and worn clothes. But I saw this slovenly, young boy. He had a small body. With an affable manner, I spontaneously encompassed him. However, when I saw his face, I was electrified by who he was.

It was Holden, who used to be my best friend back when we were in Elkton Hills together, sleeping in the subways station. His face showed a despondent expression. I quickly woke him up. He was in a turbulent, untidy situation.

“Hey, Holden, wake up!” I said while shaking him with my tremulous hands.

“Goddamn it, why did you… oh, Kun Hee, long time, no see,” He said, but he didn’t look surprised.

“What are you doing here, sleeping in the subway station? You look like a recluse!” I said. I took him to a café nearby, but I had to hurry up (I had a meeting to attend). As we walked towards the café, I saw that his clothes had an abrasion.

“Yeah, I had struggled these days,” he said.

In the café, he told me in a cursory manner, what has happened to him since he was flunked from Pencey Prep. I had to make a conjecture that he has been drinking, for his breath smelled like my alcoholic uncle John. His attitude was lackadaisical, and I could tell that he wasn’t glad that I came because he barely seemed like he was listening to me. In a brusque manner, he left the café with a lousy excuse and said that he had to go and meet someone pivotal. I was only trying to extricate him from his situation by giving him sage advicies.