Saturday, April 17, 2010

Acrostic Short Story

Journey to the wasp nest

For the past 14 years, I never experienced something so tragic. What could be more tragic than finding out that my dad will die in a month? Lying on my bed, I was thinking, is there really no possible ways of saving my father? I looked over to my desk. There shined an unusual light. With curiosity, I trotted towards my desk. It was a small creature, shaped like a human. To my surprise, it was a fairy.

Aaaaaaaaaah!” I shouted. I have read about fairies in books before, but it was shocking to actually witness a fairy with my own eyes.

“Please, calm down!” the fairy was shouting but it only sounded as a whisper to my ears. I took 5 deep breaths, and calmed down. I lowered my head to see the fairy better.

“Are you really a fairy?” I asked.

“Yes, I am a fairy from the Amazon forests,” she squeaked. Strangely, the fairy didn’t have a pair of wings.

“I thought fairies had wings,” I asked one more time.

“Well, that’s why I revealed myself to a human. I need your help,”

“Ok, what do I need to do?” I was really tired and depressed from knowing that my dad will die in a month, but it sounded interesting to help a fairy.

“I saw a wasp nest on top of your roof,” she said. I have a bad feeling about this… I thought. “I need you to get inside the nest and get their honey for me,”

“No way! I’ll get stung to death!” I shouted. “Plus, there’s no way I can get the small amount,”

“Please!” the fairy begged.

“I’m sorry, it’s just…impossible,” I said. Feeling weak, I got up from my chair and started walking towards the door.

“I know a way to cure your father,” she said. I stopped. I had no choice.

I shouldn’t be doing this. My life will be at stake. The fairy had told me the whole plan. She turns me into a wasp, I get inside the nest, I nick the wasp honey and come back. The fairy had injected some kind of liquid into my neck. After a few minutes, the fairy was twice as big as me. I had a pair of wings and I had six arms. It wasn’t my own body anymore. I was a wasp. As I flew towards the nest, I remembered what the fairy said to me.

“Remember that the wasps can talk. They’re much smarter than what human thinks they are,” There were 5 wasps guarding the nest. They were the exact size as I was. I flew towards one of the wasps.

“Hey, do you know where the wasp honey is kept?” I asked. The wasp turned its head toward me and replied,

“Are you the new guard for the queen wasp? Only the guards are authorized to enter the honey room,” it buzzed.

“Yes, I am the new guard. The queen requires the honey for her newborn baby,”

“Alright, follow me,” He said

Right behind the nest-guarding wasp, we entered the storage room. After going through several sections, there was a slim bottle of golden honey with the finest corkscrew on the top. So this is the honey the fairy was talking about. I thought. I could smell the scent of the honey even though it wasn’t even open. I reached for the bottle. However, the guard wasp grabbed my arm.

“You know what’s so suspicious about you? Now I just remembered, the queen wasp died a few days ago. I felt a cold sensation run down my wasp body. There was only one choice: I stung him as hard as I could. Then, I made a headlong rush and grabbed the honey.

“Intruder! We have an intruder inside the nest!” the guard shouted helplessly on the ground. I spread my magical wings, and hurtled out of the nest. Behind, I could see about fifty wasps chasing me.

“Chase him!”

“Kill him!” I flew into my room. Where is the fairy? I turned around. There was a wasp right behind, pointing its stinger right at me. I closed my eyes. There was no hope. Everything went black. I’m dead.

Years, I thought. It felt as if years had passed when I woke up. I wasn’t a small wasp anymore. Next to me was the fairy. She had wings. She was flying!

“What happened?” I could barely talk.

“Thank you,” she said. It was revealed that just when I was about to get stung, the fairy turned me back into a human. The army of wasps got scared when I transformed back into a human and they all flew away. I passed out of tiredness while the fairy used the honey to get her wings back.

“Thanks to you, I can finally join my family and friends in the Amazon forests. Here, you deserve this,” she handed me a blue potion. I was the size of my toenail.

“Are you sure this small amount can heal my father?” I curiously asked.

“More than enough,” she said.

“Well, good luck with your father and once again, thank you,” She flew out of the window with her new wings. A few minutes later, the fairy was out of sight. Right then, I took my bike from the garage, and pedaled as fast as I could to the hospital. When I saw my father, he looked as vulnerable as ever. He was unconscious too. Please work. I poured the liquid down my father’s pale lips. The liquid trickled down him throat. I waited a few seconds. Nothing happened. I sighed. It didn’t work. I turned my back to my father and trotted hopelessly towards the door. The fairy tricked me. I thought. When I was about to turn the doorknob, I heard a voice.

“Come here, son!” I heard. The potion worked!