Sunday, October 24, 2010

Half a year…Already

Kun Hee Yeo

February 23rd, 2009

Embarking towards a new place

Called Panama

Lucky Seven, they say

With Panama being my seventh country

I felt like

A nomad

I was tired and rankled

Of moving to new places

My spirit has become lackadaisical

The effort I’ve poured in

To make new friends

Went all to waste

The moment I stepped on

Gate 42, with my one way ticket

To panama

Now, it is October

Half a year


Made new friends

Restored everything

Panama feels like

My home

This safe, serene place

I want to stay here

Here, in Balboa Academy

Till I graduate

Please don’t confiscate my life


Destiny, don’t make me move

Ever again

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Irresponsible, unaccountable and uncontrollable

A teacher’s worst nightmare

There is no other

Boy like you.

You are

Limited edition

Sarcastic, ironic.

You’re a critic.

Picking on everyone’s


Liar and a sadist

Complains about everything

Never tries to achieve anything

Do you care about

Your future?

Booted from Elkton Hills, Whooten School and Pencey

Which school

Is the next?

Failing four out of five subjects

A very bright future

I see

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Book Review: Ark Angel

Anthony Horowitz shows an action-packed thrilling story in his book Ark Angel. The protagonist is a fourteen year old teen called Alex Rider- the son of a professional assassin and the nephew of a dead spy who has worked for the MI6(British Secret Intelligence Service). This book is definitely for boys who hate reading books (This book will make them want to read) or somebody who likes to read books with thrillers and suspensions in every chapter.

During the story, Alex Rider is intentionally drawn into an adventure involving a Russian billionaire called Nikolai Drevin and his son Paul Drevin, even though Alex couldn’t realize it until the climax of the story. The antagonist Nikolai Drevin is later on revealed as the worst criminal in the world and the CIA makes Alex Rider find evidence so they can arrest him. He later on discovers an evil plan by Nikolai Drevin about Project Ark Angel and his adventure towards stopping Drevin starts.

Alex Rider wants a normal teenage boy life. However, his dream to be a normal teenage boy cannot be accomplished because he is already trained and destined to be a spy for MI6. Unlike his friends in his school in London, Alex is always spying for MI6. He is the vital weapon for MI6 because nobody will think that a 14 year old boy can possibly be a spy. Ark Angel is a book full of thrilling moments that will make you continue to read until the end.

Ark Angel is the sixth book of the Alex Rider series. Although I don’t think it is the best book of the series, Ark Angel is a very compelling book. Every end of the chapter, Anthony Horowitz leaves a cliff-hanger that made me read more. When a mystery is solved, another mystery is introduced that keeps the reader entertained. Also, at the end of the book, AH leaves a huge mystery that makes the reader wonder what will happen in the next book of the series.

However, there were some moments that were impossible for a fourteen year old boy to solve. For example, Alex escaped from the top the top of a building that was set on fire by walking over a rope to the building next to it.

This book is obviously set in a modern setting, probably the 21st century. Ark Angel was a medium sized book (327 pages) and a book that suites for boys aged 11 to 15. The book was a little bit boring during the first 50~70 pages because during those pages the book only introduced the characters. But as the book gets near the climax, the story gets really intense. Realistic setting, intense plot, diverse characters and mysterious chapters are all contained in Ark Angel. I strongly recommend this book.