Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ending the king's anarchy

A long time ago, there was a lazy king. A king who cared only for himself and didn’t care about the citizens of the country. His lack of work also made the government lackadaisical. He would raise the tax just for building a new palace for himself and his family. The citizens didn’t like the anarchy at all. They were mad. They had meetings in small towns and planned for a riot. Soon there were protests and riots in every part of the country. However, everyone who participated in the riots were apprehended and put in jail by the king. The citizens were outraged. They wanted the king to resign. Some even wanted him dead.

Johnny, a 35 year old veteran assassin could not stand the king's madness. Other people begged him to assassinate him. Therefore, Johnny planned for a conspiracy with his crew of assassins. They planned to kill the king while he was on his way to terminate the riots. It was obviously a simple plan and nobody thought that Johnny would succeed. The king always carried the best trained army called the Black Capes. Only the best of the soldiers were able to join the Black Capes. All of the Black Capes members were given a long black cape as an approval of the king. However, Johnny was not an ordinary assassin. He was highly trained since he was a young kid. Even the king had feared him. One time, the King wanted Johnny to be the leader of the Black Capes. Johnny declined back then. Johnny and co. wanted to end the anarchy and give the country back its peace. The Black Capes was no match for Johnny's agility and skill. While his crew distracted the Black Capes, Johnny quickly assassinated the king with his nimble body. The king was dead and the country regained their peace. The citizens asked Johnny to become their new king, but Johnny declined.


mikkel said...

Nice story and great use of vocab words

Steph said...

I like the way that Johnny thinks :P. The king sounds like a real meanie. At least there's someone who cares about the people. I like how you explained about the king and why Johnny did what he did. Great work!

Matthew.C said...

Hey great story I liked how you mention that the King was selfish and all, but I think you should also put examples of what bad things the king did. Also I think you should make it a bit longer, its seems to be a bit too short.

Kun Hee Yeo said...

Alright guys, I made it a lot better

Yeji said...

Great story! It had a lot of details and I especially liked the Johnny part. You're vocabulary words were all used correctly and everything was perfect except one thing. I couldn't see the vocabulary words because it was highlighted in yellow. I could only see it if I dragged it.
Anyways, Keep it up Kun Heeee:D

Nicholas said...

When did I become King?

Pablo said...

Kun Hee, nice story, but i'm not sure you used anarchy right.