Monday, January 31, 2011

Calamity in Staples Center

The stadium was full of people and it was hard to assimilate into the crowd. Kevin came to see the classic game of the Lakers VS Celtics with his son Blake. He could not afford the expensive seats in the front rows, so he had to buy the seats on the back of the stadium. The Staples Center was always crowded, especially when there is a classic game like Lakers VS Celtics. Kevin regretted buying the $20 dollar seats. He could barely see the players on the court.

Kevin saw a strange man sitting down right next to him. He had a guitar case strapped to his back. It was strange. Why did the man bring a guitar case to a basketball game? His facial expression looked as if he was drugged and drunk. Kevin thought that the guy was suspicious, and decided to meticulously watch over him constantly. He didn’t want his son to get hurt.

During the second half, Kobe Bryant from the Los Angeles Lakers received a technical foul for aggressively pushing a player from the other team. The fans were outraged. Bryant shouted at the referee in dissension. The referee ejected Bryant from the game, and the fans shouted in disgust. That was when the stadium was in a state of calamity.

The stranger opened his guitar case and took out what looked like a sniper. Nobody noticed since everyone’s attention was on the basketball game. However, Kevin noticed. The stranger aimed at the court. Kevin immediately reacted and tackled the stranger. The bullet was fired, but it didn’t hit anybody. Kevin had tackled him at the right time. The stranger dropped his sniper, and the sound of the bullet made everyone’s attention go towards the stranger and Kevin. Kevin held him down on the floor while the security guards came. Kevin, his son, and the stranger were all arrested but Kevin and his son was later on released.

The next day, Kevin was lionized by the citizens of Los Angeles. He was on the newspaper and his neighbors had congratulated him. The stranger was found guilty for attempted murder and was sentenced 10 years in jail. Kevin was a town hero for saving the players from getting hurt. NBA granted Kevin and his son VIP membership to all future NBA games.


Victoria S. said...

Granted free membership to Dallas Mavericks games??? Haha! Nice story!