Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I believe

I believe that every student has forgotten

Their homework at least once

But that it’s normal

I believe some people

Are too obsessed with celebrities

I believe that basketball

Is the winners’ sport

I believe that money

Is not the source of happiness

But the poor need it

I believe that life is like a mountain

Once you reach the peak,

The rest is easy

I believe that luck will never run out

But I shouldn’t rely on it too much

I believe that I cannot survive a month

Without spicy food

I believe that Red Bull

Really gives you wings

But overdrinking kills

I believe that I cannot live

Without Rock N’ Roll

I believe that being busy

Is better than being bored

I belive that dogs

Should not be eaten

I believe that everything

Will eventually fly away from me

Or I

Will fly away from them

So we must make

Good use of the time

And enjoy our lives

Like today’s our last day


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