Thursday, August 12, 2010

This year I hope to be...

This Year I hope to be…

Kun Hee Yeo

Cruel words that come back and forth. I wish I could treat you as

My friend.

But you know everything about me. An invisible barrier that I want to break

However, I cannot

I enter your room, you boot me out. You enter my room, I boot

You out.

How did our relationship become like this? This year, I hope to be a better brother

For you.

You deleted all my songs from iTunes. I hid your 9 page essay

In return.

Revenges that come back and forth. Our relationship

Never heal.

You always stole my belongings and broke them. But all you would say is


We never apologized to each other. We never brought out the word


Why are we so cold to each other? We are meant to be families. Families that

Care for each other.

Our personalities nor styles never matched. But this year,

I hope to be a better brother for you.


Steph said...

Wow. That was really touching, and I really liked how the poem just flowed with the line breaks. You started with a bit of description and then ended it smoothly. Good work!

Nicholas said...

Wow. Were the hell did you get that talent?

Really really good use of line brakes, nice word usage. The poem flowed.
Also you picked a very good subject to write about (I know what brotherly hate is like)and you really expressed yourself.

One thing though
9 PAGE ESSAY> Songs.

im gonna get an A said...

Very good indeed Kevin. Never knew you had a poetic side but you showed it here. Very good use of line breaks, you used simple language-as instructed- but it still was very good.

This has nothing to do with the poem, but Nicholas its where not were."Were the hell did you get that talent?"

Nicholas said...

He lived in Argentina, I didnt expect him to get Edgar Allan Poe on us.

Kun Hee Yeo said...

Thank you for your nice comment stephanie :)

Thank you for your nice comment Diego and Nicholas -_-

Camila said...

I love this poem. Me and my little sister are about the same, but a bit less severe. I think it really shows your feeling on the topic. I can tell that you wish it could change but with the things they does to you, you feel like you have to retaliate. Stuck in a circle... Truly beautiful. Loved every stanza!

Yeji said...

I luvvv this poem! It shows how sisters and brothers are. Your line breaks are amazing. It shows your feelings A LOT. If this poem was read out loud, I swear I can picture it in my head PERFECTLY. And I totally agree with Nicholas about you being very talented. SUPER.
GREAT JOB and keeep it up :)