Monday, September 6, 2010

Memoir Monday #2

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the ghosts. The three creatures I used to believe in when I was young. My belief was broken only three years ago. It all started with Santa Claus. I used to post a letter in front of the door to say what I wanted for the upcoming Christmas. I was astounded by the fact that my parents were Santa Claus. I mean, all I wanted was to greet Santa and thank him for giving me presents. It was a total surprise to see my mom come by and drop the box instead. After the broken belief about Santa Claus, I made a conclusion that the tooth fairy and the ghosts could be my parents too. So the next tooth I pulled out, I tied the tooth to a string connecting to my arm and my mom was caught right on the act when she was dropping the money. Right now I wish I never found the truth about Santa and the tooth fairy because last year I never received any presents from anyone.

The ghosts were a unique joke from my mom and dad. When I was sleeping, they used to scare me by making haunted sounds. I was so scared I begged my mom to move to another apartment.

Now, I understand why they pretended to be Santa, tooth fairy or the ghost. My parents just wanted to keep my childish mind. Well, it is wise not to find out the truth because now I don’t get presents or money from “Santa” or the “Tooth fa


The sock said...

I feel the same way. It was very similar the course of events for me too. Btw, edit that last bit, it got caught off. Great Memoir!

Kun Hee Yeo said...

Thanks for telling me about the last bit.. thanks!

Camila said...

It's always sad when a child's illusion of Santa is broken. I can't believe you came up with that plan to catch your parents giving you tooth fairy money! Very sneaky!

Andres said...

Nice job Kun Hee. It´s very sad when you find out it´s all a big lie. :(